Burning could get you burned

IT'S TIME TO BACKPEDAL for the DRM infecting music industry, but this time, it is on record in black and white.

Luckily, its hypocrisy is as boundless as its greed. Remember when the RIAA (Record Industry Association of America) was arguing in front of the US Supreme Court in the Grokster case, and it said that ripping a CD that you lawfully own to your MP3 player was "perfectly lawful"? Well, now it isn't.

The RIAA is now arguing that it is illegal, and wants to get it legally shut down. No, really, something as trivial as sworn statements to the Supreme Court should be simply taken in jest, right? Well, no, I don't think they are that dumb, but history was never the music industry's strong suit, it is in the box on the shelf, covered with dust, right next to a tiny thing called "conscience". Either way, rights like fair use seems to be a concept totally lost to it.

Anyway, the EFF has a good writeup on the subject on its pages, hopefully the RIAA will go away before it realise that you have two kidneys, and neither are making them the money they feel that they need. Remember, you were warned about the whole organ thing before it was a crime to possess them.

Source: [url=http://www.theinquirer.net]http://www.theinquirer.net[/url]
By Charlie Demerjian
