Album Review
Beeters, The
Reviewed by Andre Lozoya
Remembrances of schoolyard marble games, tales of pre-teen lost loves and over-the-top tributes to weed are just a few of the subjects The Beeters delve into on their CD Too Fat for Love. Their sharp, witty lyrics hark back to the good old times of long days spent biking and skating around the neighborhood--getting into trouble. The song writing on this CD alone make it worthwhile going immediately to the store to buy it, but then comes the music...

The music is as great as the song writing with pieces of punk, ska, metal, catchy ballads, and everything else thrown in for good measure. These guys rock with their own unclassifiable, individualistic style. The singing duties are shared by Joey, the drummer, and Mark, the guitarist. The two keep a strong contrast between their singing styles: Joey singing in a bratty punk growl and Mark singing in a heart-felt singer/songwriter manner. The bass dept. is headed up by the awesome bassist, Dave. You'll be amazed at the cool bass lines shot at you by this bass hefe.

So go out and get this gem, travel to Mr. T's to see them live, then visit their web page to find out more about this very-cool band!

PS: Rumor has it they've got a new CD a-brewing, so get that one too. You won't regret it one bit.

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