Discover the unique charm of The Triceratops, a two-piece band from Brooklyn, NY, named after the three-horned dinosaur. They bring raw energy and a chaotic style to their music, inspired by legendary bands like Guided By Voices and Nirvana.
The Triceratops, made up of Melvin Monreau and John Van Atta, is ready to release their debut album "Charge!" on Learning Curve Records this summer. Monreau and Van Atta first met 25 years ago as stage managers at the famous punk club CBGB’s in NYC. Their long history and similar musical instincts create a sound that’s both caustic and refreshing, the core of The Triceratops.
The band keeps things simple, believing they can make enough noise on their own while focusing on songwriting. Van Atta’s guitar work is interesting and powerful, complemented by Monreau’s intricate drum parts. The “bass” sound is created by dropping the guitar signal an octave, making their music sound huge and full.
Van Atta loves hooks and anthems, and he believes music is about connecting with the audience. “Hooks, anthems, and noise feel more like my native language than English,” he says. Their songs come from personal experiences and social issues. For example, "Neoliberal Bedtime Routine" was inspired by Van Atta’s frustration with the subway system and how it affects his time with his child.
Van Atta describes himself as a surrealist, meaning he draws inspiration from the unconscious mind. Their song "Something Done Right" explores human resilience and scientific achievements. Despite challenges, Van Atta sees human kindness as a miracle.
The Triceratops has performed with bands like Djunah, Rid of Me, and A Deer A Horse. They will also be at the Caterwaul festival in Minneapolis this year, sharing the stage with Brainiac, Murf, Whores., Thrones, and Oxbow.
Their debut EP was released on May 10th, and their full-length LP "Charge!" will be out on August 2nd. The album was produced by Andrew Schneider and mixed by Carl Saff. Listening to The Triceratops feels like a wild, exhilarating ride through intense emotions and powerful riffs, combining the thrill of havoc with a deep connection to raw, personal expression. The Triceratops channels the gritty intensity of Nirvana and the melodic chaos of Guided By Voices, creating a sound that's both fiercely energetic and intriguingly unpredictable.